Rely On The Trustworthiness Of The Word Of God

Young Christians today are offered a number of ways to learn Scriptures in order to deepen their knowledge about the Word of God in a fallen and unbelieving world.

Many so-called religious teachers cast lot of doubts on God’s Word by making people question its authority and truthfulness.

When a person finds salvation in Christ, it’s easy for them to believe the Bible is the Word of God. The validity of Scriptures cannot be questioned at this stage.

This makes sense because the Word of God was the vehicle by which this individual came to Christ.

After all, how else would this person be saved if the Word wasn’t trustworthy in the first place.

The Challenges Of Maintaining Belief In The Word

However, throughout our lives as we are trying to live for God, we will come across people who are always ready to challenge the Word of God.

Non-believers who teach in colleges and schools will put the book down and preach alternatives.

When someone is lost, this is exactly what they do since they are under the dominion of their boss Satan.

However, those who are believers need to stand their ground. After all, we have and should embrace the teachings of the Bible.

Unfortunately, a number of young students at Christian universities and schools will only do a bit better.

There are those who consider themselves Bible teachers, but they will have no problem making people second-guess others’ faith by saying God’s original Words mean something completely different.

These same teachers will come off as if their words are the words spoken by God.

But as many their words may be, they won’t be able to move a single Word that came out of the mouth of God.

You Can Trust The Word No Matter What

The reality is that the above kind of talk is completely foreign to leading Bible characters, including the Apostles.

They claim that God’s Word is good, and they will say “thus said the Lord” in a confident and authoritive way.

If you want to find out what the main reason for this confidence is, then go and read the (Psalm 12:6-7).

You’ll quickly see that the words in this section state that God’s Words are pure.

It clearly says that the Words of God are true and they are to be preserved forever.

One of the most powerful verses about the steadfastness of the Word of God that we can stand on is found in (Matthew 24:35).

It states that both heaven and earth will pass away, but the Word Of God will never pass away.

It doesn’t matter how much time has gone by or what age we live in, we will always be able to read the Bible and access the Words of the Lord.

If you come across a Bible teacher who tries to change around the Words of God, just be patient and take heart. God promised His Words would be preserved.

God doesn’t break His promises. Just stay true to God’s message, and He will be with you forever.

Remember, the Words found in the Bible are derived from the Holy Spirit, who is a Being that works in mysterious ways.

He leads people to Jesus Christ through the Word. I recommend you to read (Jeremiah 1:1), which is where you’ll learn that God watches over His Word and makes sure they are fulfilled.

Take the time to meditate on this section and let the Spirit of God to empower you to live by the Word of God.

See how to exercise faith in God.

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